With over 15,000 dryer vent fires per year the threat of a dryer fire is a very real one. In many areas dryer vent fires are the number one form of household fire.
By getting your dryer vent cleaned just once per year and by having a professional ensure your dryer vent is properly installed – you can virtually eliminate this risk to your home.
Put your mind at ease.
Call the Dryer Vent Doctor TODAY
While most people know to clean out the lint trap in their dryer, they ignore the much larger potential build up of very flammable dryer lint within their dryer vents. Aided in many cases by improper installation of dryer vents this lint is difficult to detect and often goes unnoticed.
On top of a fire risk this lint build up also acts as a weight on your dryer system, causing increased mold and mildew buildup, increased drying times – which cost you money – approximately $18 to $24 a month. A dryer running longer also increases the wear on both your dryer and your clothes, further adding to the cost total.
Dryer lint ultimately causes a great number of health risks and brings to bear a large number of costs to you as a home owner. At the Dryer Vent Doctor our professionals take the guess work out of vent cleaning and through our range of services and help remove the risk to your home and save you money!
Your dryer takes over 50 minutes to dry a load of laundry or more than one cycle.
Excessive lint is found on dark clothing.
The top of your dryer is hot to the touch while in operation.
Dryer lint is collecting on the inside of the dryer door.
There is a slight burning smell while drying your laundry.
Humidity is found inside the dryer door.
Water is found in the transition hose connecting your dryer to the wall.
There is a moldy or musty smell on your clothing.
You have never had your dryer vent system cleaned.
You notice kinks or sagging portions along your dryer vent run